How to Paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact.

You want to experiment with abstract painting, but don't know where to start.

You want to create paintings that express your feelings and are distinctly yours, but don't know how.

You want to stop painting.between.the.lines.


Hey, You Can! (and I'm here to help)

"Before I joined Abstract Painting Academy I had about 10 jars of paint out mixing, trying to match the colors in the photo reference and was getting frustrated. I'd already covered it up once. I started it again. I put 4 hours in it the first day and on the second day I had already put 2 more hours in it. I took a break and found Abstract Painting Academy through a Facebook ad and thought why not join. I watched the first videos and immediately reduced my paint selection from 10 to 4 colors. I basically had to repaint the whole painting, I was amazed. I finished the painting in 90 minutes. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a million times better than the study I did. It doesn't even look like the same person painted it. I'm so thankful you made Abstract Painting Academy available. I know I'm going to be a better painter. Thank you again."

S. Wysocki

I want you to take a moment and imagine if you could...

Create beautiful, loose, colorful abstract paintings. Using large brushes and lots of thick, luscious, juicy color.

Make paintings that are distinctly yours in look and feel. No more cookie-cutter paintings or subject matter ever again.

Stop copying photographs. Copying photographs limits your potential and imagination as a painter.

Forget about using small brushes and worrying about nagging details. Using small brushes contributes to making small shapes and too much painting detail.

Get away from endless pre-planning. Painting spontaneously with no pre-planning gives you amazing freedom that you've never felt before. Once you do this, you'll be hooked for life!

You CAN do all these, and much more! How you ask...

Abstract Painting Academy

In Abstract Painting Academy you'll learn:

  • How to make fresh, beautiful, colorful abstract paintings that only you can make

  • The Design Fundamentals you'll need to design more harmonious paintings with greater visual impact

  • How to loosen up your painting style to create paintings from your heart, not your head

  • Practical art business information to make you more consistent and increase your art sales

    I use these same strategies in my studio everyday, and they are the same strategies that I teach hundreds of students in live workshops across the US each year.

"David, I'm taking this opportunity to give you some feedback on Abstract Painting Academy. The course was wonderfully succinct and focused on exactly the right essentials for creating successful paintings. I am still trying to internalize all the lessons and make them more automatic but doing the course was the springboard I needed and I recall it in my mind frequently when I paint. Abstraction is exactly the painting language that suits my temperament and I am finally beginning to find my own voice as a painter and artist. There is a long way to go, I know, but thank you for providing this crucial stepping stone."

K. Clarke

Here's What's Included in the Course:

Module 1

In Module 1, you'll begin by learning how to Loosen Up and Let Go! 

Module 2

In Module 2 you'll concentrate on Painting Design. You will receive in-depth training on the following 5 Design Fundamentals and how to implement them in your work.

Module 3

In Module 3 you will discover more than 10 different Alternate Methods for Composition Development. You'll also learn about 10 classic design compositions that you can utilize right away.

Module 4

In Module 4 you will learn many Professional Practice / Art Business strategies that many instructors don't teach including:

  • How to Price Your Work
  • How to Create a Recognizable and Searchable Signature
  • How to Create a Consistent Body of Work
  • And much more

Bonus 1

Digital Version of the "Simple Color System" Color Wheel

You'll receive a digital version of David's "Simple Color System" Color Wheel that you can keep on your device in the studio or on the go, no matter where you paint.

Bonus 2

A PDF Copy of my book, "Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Abstract Painting Workbook"

I have included a PDF copy of my wildly popular book as a bonus for Abstract Painting Academy participants. This book is a companion to my Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser  Abstract Painting Workshops and Abstract Painting Academy. 

Bonus 3

How to Mix the Best Violet, and the Color Science Behind it

David goes through exactly what colors to use to mix the best violet. He uses a painting demo and visual notes to give you the best understanding.

Bonus 4

A Community Page to Upload Your Paintings for Review

There is a Community Page as part of Abstract Painting Academy where you can upload all of your painting assignments for me to review. You get my personal attention and one on one feedback on all of your work during the course.

Bonus 5

Lifetime Access and FREE Updates to the Course

I provide updates, new information and added bonuses on a regular basis, so that you always have the most up to date information. 

"David, Thank you so much for your wonderful Abstract Painting Academy course which re-awakened my love of, and joy in color! My left brain appreciated how organized and well thought out all aspects of the course were. And my right brain loved the emphasis on spontaneity and working without too much initial planning. In addition you are the only instructor in the many workshops I have attended over the years who discussed the business of art - again thank you."

B. Hammond

Join Now

You can watch the course videos on any device: phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, or wifi enabled TV. This course is not media specific. All who paint in acrylic, oil, watercolor, mixed media and pastel are welcome.

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"David, thank you for taking the time to make this online class possible. It's exactly what I need to motivate me to get out of my comfort zone and find more satisfaction in my work. LOVE Abstract Painting Academy!"

M. Schulte

Abstract Painting Academy IS NOT for You if:

  • You are happy copying photographs and don't want to improve your work or try anything new.
  • If you like dull, lifeless, muddy earth tones in your work and see no reason to change.
  • Don't want to take your work to the next level.
  • Have no desire to try abstract painting.

Abstract Painting Academy IS for You if:

  • You want professional instruction to try a new way to paint, and improve your skills.
  • You appreciate real, actionable information that you can immediately put into use in your studio (no artsy-fartsy BS).
  • You want to paint fresh, colorful, expressive paintings full of life and energy that pop off the walls.
  • You appreciate clear, well organized, easy to understand, simple to implement instructions, procedures and techniques.
  • You don't have the ability or resources to travel to a live workshop.
  • You like to work at your own pace in the privacy of your home or studio.

You've got two choice here...

1. Stay where you are making dull, lifeless paintings that look like everyone else's/ Trying to learn everything on your own, just like I did (which took me more than 10 years - just sayin').


2. You can take positive steps to move forward in your work by joining an organized program specifically designed to teach you how to paint abstract paintings, teach you design fundamentals, and help you loosen up your painting style.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Abstract Painting Academy take a long time to implement? (I'm busy) Hey, I understand, I'm busy too. I developed Abstract Painting Academy to save you time trying to learn everything on your own. You can view the entire course in 2-3 days. The assignments will take a few days of studio time to complete.

Most importantly, you can work at your own pace. You will have access to the program for as long as you need it, so you can start and stop whenever is convenient for you. You can access it on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or internet enabled TV.

Will I get feedback on my painting assignments? Yes, there is a Community Page included as one of your Bonuses in Abstract Painting Academy where you can upload all of your work from the painting assignments for review by me. It is a one on one review of all of your work.

Do you offer a refund or guarantee? Absolutely. If you go through the videos and do the assignments implementing the strategies and don't see any improvement, then just email me and I'll provide a full refund within 7 days of purchase.

I'm traveling - Can I buy it now and watch it later? Of course. You can have access as long as you want it. The course is completely self-paced so that you can do as much or as little at a time as you like.

Can I just find this information free online? Is this the same information you have on your Youtube videos? My paid course material is different from what I share on Youtube. Plus, this information is organized into a specific program for you to get results as quickly as possible. Think of the time you'll save not having to search the internet for bits and pieces of unorganized information. This is a very clear, specific program designed for you.

This course is a big investment for me, is it worth the price? The course is a big investment, but imagine how much time and money you could be wasting by NOT enrolling in the course! For most people, the course pays for itself. The content is the same as a five day workshop, but costs a lot less. Particularly if you consider the costs of travel and lodging to attend the workshop. Heck, you can take this course in your pajamas!

What if I'm new to painting? I can't think of a better way to begin your painting journey than learning the fundamentals to create a foundation for all of your future art making activities. You'll save years off your learning curve by starting here.

What if I'm an established painter. Will this course help me? Of course. If you want to learn to loosen up your painting style and feel the freedom that abstract painting can provide then you need to join.

Is this course media specific? Not at all. This course is about overall fundamentals that apply equally to any type of media or subject matter that you paint. I have students in the course that use oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel and mixed media.

"Dear David , I completed Abstract Painting Academy about 2 weeks ago. I painted 7 big works after the course in the last 2 weeks . There is an astonishing change in the way I use colors now - itโ€™s very visible. My paintings look fresher , bolder and very alive . Thank you so much ! Iโ€™m grateful to you. "

S. Tulpule

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I look forward to seeing you in the member's area!

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7-Day, No Risk, Money Back Guarantee

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the results you receive from this course, we will fully refund your investment.

Your Instructor

David M. Kessler is a nationally recognized art educator and contemporary abstract painter. He is the author of the book, "Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Abstract Painting Workbook", and founder of "Abstract Painting Academy".


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